Saturday, 24 April 2010

Hittade en gammal dikt

Datorn påstår att jag skrev den här sent en kväll i augusti 2005. Tycker att den var ganska bra, med mina mått mätt.

Till den tysta vägen som kallas livet

När jag ser dig undrar jag
Vad som egentligen händer

Är det tänkt och vem tänker
Att våndan ska fortsätta vara

En tro som aldrig slocknar
Ljuset som aldrig tänds

Solen påskyndar rosten
Regnet torkar sakta bort

Jag köper dig en trasa
Så kan vi hjälpa till

Today Simon has:

Listened to his coughing
Read FT Weekend
Noticed that the pollen may just have caused enough mess for this year

Saturday, 3 April 2010

The Exception

Generally I do not allow myself to write late at night. So here is another exception.

I am entering Easter having had a very eventful week. I came back from South Africa on Monday, and then I moved into a new place on Wednesday.

There are many things to be said about SA. It is a beautiful country. I wish I could see things through the eyes of the people who live there – it is so easy to become a Mr Know-it-All. My friend Leah would have had a tough week without me being there, so she deserves praise for surviving me - and being a great host. Not like she had a choice...

Africa is probably not a finished chapter for me. When I get good at project management, I hope to get an opportunity to join my company’s office in Johannesburg on a short-term assignment. But first a few years in Guildford.

Good opportunities come to those who pray and work their asses off.

Today Simon has:

Listened to Def Leppard's Hysteria
Read Fortune and how American companies utilises the leadership qualities of ex-soldiers
Noticed that I am not always happy