Saturday, 7 April 2007


Today it is one week since I left Tyneside for an Easter break in Sweden. It's great with a break and I am attending a wedding tomorrow. But that doesn't mean that I don't look forward coming back to Newcastle. I really do.

I visited my grands today, they were really glad to see me (although my grandad at first didn't recognise me at first). Dementia is a sad disease. My grandma was well though, should really try to ring her more often.

Tomorrow it is Easter Sunday and historically the most important day for me as a christian. That day Jesus rose and created a way for you and me to get in touch with God. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Today Simon has:

Listened to Hello by Courtney Love
Read and replied to a nice e mail

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ya! I left you, just like that... I was completley bored on saturday when I should have been entertaining you or soemthing like that. However, I did left and I'm sitting in my flat wishing that I'd been home for just a while longer. Hope your next couple of weeks will find you well and THANK YOU for our friendship, makes livin' little easier! Cya, hearya around! // Sweaty little boy down the street.